2019 02 02 rated 4 out of 5 by jeffy45 from serves it s purpose the flambeau bunk box holds 6 of my ice rods pretty good for storage in the truck.
Flambeau ice rod case.
Carry your rods with you with fishing travel cases from dick s sporting goods.
I just pull the case out of the rv basement and drop the box in the jeep when ready to head to the lake.
Flambeau outdoors rod cases.
Rod tubes reel storage and more.
Your tackle won t be much good without something to reel in your catch.
Flambeau ice rod case.
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It can also be completely locked for extra security.
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Durable storage for delicate gear.
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This next uniquely shaped fishing rod case comes with convenient perks such as.
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Padded lining to ensure your rods remain undamaged while they are being stored and moved.
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Even though it s not made for them it works fine.
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